Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The first weekend in April, Ryan had a "stay-cation" and his buddy Brad came for a visit. He and Lily became fast friends. April 2nd was a big milestone for Lily, she finally rolled from her back to her belly. Video to come! She is also eating lots of new things: red grapes, pears, mangos, green grapes, nectarines, cantaloupe, and cauliflower. On the 8th, she even held her own banana. So far, she is a great eater! And seems to love food!

Lily having a great time on the swings, March 30th. On March 28th, her first tooth broke thru. It is the one on the bottom right, her right. :) So far she has been a real trooper with teething, just woken up a few times at night. I think we have had it pretty easy so far! March 29th, at mom's group, Lily weighed 18pds 12oz. Also on the 30th, we officially retired her baby swing, traded it for a play pin.