Friday, May 21, 2010

Last week I was out in California for my first baby shower!! Had a wonderful time! So good to see family and friends. Will post pics from that soon. Here is my 31wk picture. She is in the head down position and is doing great. Not sure how big she is currently, will find out at my next ultrasound, but I have gained 15pds!! She likes to move around alot and gives me lots of back pain. Fun Times!!

wk 29

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

28wks!! Lily is now 2lbs and 12oz. and my belly is measuring perfect at 28cm. The ultrasound tech at my last appointment said she has long limbs. I am thinking that she has a very good chance of being tall! And I have gained 12 pds. The doctor said I could eat more ice cream if I want.. but I am thinking that my once a week or so is pretty good! She loves to move around when I am trying to sleep and first thing in the morning. I am having a hard time eating big meals, I think that she has taken over my tummy space!! Still so much to do over the next 12wks. Heading out to CA for my first baby shower! Very excited to see all my west coast friends!

Had a great brunch with friends visiting from Orlando! Always good times!