Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bath time with daddy. He prefers to give her a bath in the tub, and I would rather in the kitchen sink. Whatever makes her happy is good with me. He likes to pretend that she is surfing around. It is super cute! Today 8/31/10 she weighed 10lbs. Also, she gave her first real smile to her daddy after bath time. She has been giving me smiles all day, but I figured it was just gas :) Yeah! Real smiles! We have been waiting for this for 6wks!!

She is really filling out now, except her little butt! We are almost out of newborn clothes! 0-3 here we come!!

Lily getting ready for bed. This is daddy time. Ryan gives her a bath and her last feeding of the night. His shift is over at midnight. After that, she is all mine! She is sleeping better, at least about half the time. On a good night, we get up twice, on a bad night, I am up most of the time. Sometimes Lily and I end up sleeping on her rocker. Not the best situation, but at least I get some sleep! Hopefully we will start having lots more good nights!!

Look how chubby her little cheeks are getting!!
When we want Lily to be awake, it is almost impossible to get her to wake up. But when we want her to go to sleep, that is another issue!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mr. Bojangles is still trying to figure out what is going on. He doesn't seem to mind Lily, just sits back and watches.

Here are a few pics from when my parents were out for a visit. My mom was a huge help, she loves her first little grand baby. She spent lots of time holding her, burping her, changing her and getting her to settle down. It gave me a chance to get a few things done around the house. And to get a few extra hours of sleep.
Just some cute pics of Lily after her bath.

Out on our walk today, lots of firsts. First time Lily ate in public. First time mama used a changing table. First time Lily spit up on daddy outside the house. (and of course, we did not have a different shirt for daddy. Lily yes, daddy no.) First time mama used the ergo. First Lily melt down in Costco, so mama fed her in the car while daddy finished shopping. (This eating every 2 hours is hard work.)
Fun little Sunday!!

Lily is 1 month old. She weighs 8lbs, 11oz. and is 21.3in. She is posing next to Mr. Bear. I hope to get this shot every month. Today was our first time to a restaurant. She did great, slept the entire time. Thanks to Devin, Kurt and Nadine for celebrating her 1 month with us! Lily is doing great. Her favorite time of the day is when we take a walk. She loves being out in the fresh air. It has been so hot, that some days we don't make it. I am looking forward to some cooler weather. We are still working on the whole sleeping at night thing, but it is getting better... at least some days. :)

Lily smiles often, but I don't think it's because she is happy ;) We are hoping that very soon we will see a real smile.

She is so cute!!

Hanging with daddy.

After bath and getting ready for bed.

Lily sleeping like a little angel. Wish she was always this easy :) On 8/2/10 she weighed 7lbs.

July 31st, Lily got her first bath. She cried at first, but then I think that she enjoyed it. She really enjoys the massage she gets after her bath. And she loves her cute blue towel, thanks CD! (We use this really cool bather sponge thingy in the kitchen sink, thanks Uncle Scott and Aunt Anne!!)