Friday, January 7, 2011

Lily's first taste of rice cereal. 12-23-10

For Christmas, (a little early because I had to work) we gave Lily her first rice cereal. She loved it! Her favorite thing is to have a bite, then put her thumb in her mouth. Very cute. But very messy!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

December 19th, Lily and Nana

Today, the 19th, Lily held her own bottle.

December 18th, happy 5 month birthday baby girl! Lily is doing great. Drooling like crazy, but still no teeth. She sleeps from 6:30pm-ish to 5:30am-ish. She is a terrible napper, but I will take the night time sleep! She is only rolling from her tummy to her back, but can sit up pretty well. She still loves to stand, and only needs assistance not to fall over. She has a very strong trunk and legs!

Before I left, on December 14th, Lily weighed 14lbs, 10oz. Carla and I went to mom's group and learned about solid foods. We were planning on starting rice cereal after I got back from training.

While I was away, Ryan sent me pics of Lily to get me thru my withdrawals. We also got a chance to skype. She didn't always sleep thru the night, I am sure it was because she was missing her mama!! Overall, it was a good week.

December 11th, Nana, (Ryan's mom Carla) came for a visit. It was perfect timing. I had to go to Denver for training, and she was here to spend time with her grand baby. She took care of Lily while Ryan was at work and I was in Denver. Big help! Thanks Carla! Day 1 and Lily is already very comfortable!