Saturday, April 24, 2010

27 weeks

Things are moving along very well, and quickly!! We have ordered her crib (thanks Grandad for buying it for us!!) and the recliner for the nursery, now it's just a waiting game until it arrives. Could be as early as 6 weeks! Lily should be about 2 pds now, and her eyes should be open also. Wonder if we will be able to tell at the next ultrasound, this Friday. I will keep you posted!!

26 weeks

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sunday for Easter, we started our day at the Lincoln Park Zoo. It is a free zoo, right next to Lake Michigan. It was a perfect day! Spring has finally sprung here in Chicago!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

And here we are at 24wks. Yep, that's my belly, now making its way out!! Easter weekend, and I am not going to feel guilty at all for eating lots of strawberry rhubarb pie!! Yummy!! Can't even imagine what next Easter will be like!! I am thinking pictures with the Easter Bunny!! Lily is going to be so cute in her little outfits! I will probably be "that parent" that dresses her daughter up for every holiday!!

Lily is now 1pd 7oz, 4/2/10. And I have maybe gained 9pds total. What happened to the other 7 something??

Notice how my shirt is starting to creep up. Fun times... my belly is now really starting to show!! Just alittle crack of belly!!

22wks, and I want you to notice that my shirt is still all the way down to my pants. You will see that this is not happening after this week!!